Today there is great poverty in the church. The children of God are becoming poorer and poorer.
In Genesis 26 V1 - 5, there was a great famine and the people had their eyes fixed on Egypt. Everything was empty there was drought, the people were suffering and fled.
In Abraham's time there was the same famine and Abraham went down to Egypt. Many children of God come down to Egypt because of difficulties. Egypt is a place where there is plenty and suffering, here Egypt symbolizes the world.
God appeared to Isaac and said, "Stay in this land, I will bless you." The Bible says that Isaac sowed that year in this land. Because of the drought, the lack of rain, the people could not sow. But Isaac was convinced that it was necessary to sow.
NB: our prosperity will depend on our conviction and our mentality.
We must know the times and places of seed so that our seed is like that of Isaac. Let us ask God to give us the knowledge of the times and places where we must sow to be blessed. The locals had stopped sowing. They had their eyes fixed on Egypt because they saw the famine, but Isaac saw this famine as a great opportunity to sow Genesis 26 V 12-16 "Isaac sowed in this land, and this year he gathered a hundredfold; for the LORD blessed him. This man became rich, and he went growing rich, until he became very rich. He had flocks of herds, and herds of cattle, and many servants, and the Philistines envied him. All the wells dug by his father's servants in the time of Abraham his father, the Philistines, filled them up and filled them with dust. And Abimelech said to Isaac, Go away from us, because you are much more powerful than us.
1 - The first cause: laziness
Proverb 6 V 6-11 "Go to the ant, lazy; Consider his ways, and become wise. She has neither chief, nor inspector, nor master; She prepares her food in the summer, She raises food during the harvest. Lazy, how long will you be sleeping? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little drowsiness, A few hands crossed to sleep! ... And poverty will surprise you, like a ranger, And famine, like a man in arms.
Prosperity is in the dust, but eyes are needed to see it (1 Samuel 2 V 7-8) "The Lord impoverishes and enriches, He lowers and raises. From the dust he draws the poor, From the manure he raises the needy, To make them sit down with the big ones. And he gives them a throne of glory; For to the LORD are the pillars of the earth, and upon them he has set the world. "
Many are poor because they do not want to be in the dust. We must be in the dust for God to seek us Proverb 12 V 27 "The sloth does not roast his game; But the precious treasure of a man is activity. ". Proverb 13 V4 "The soul of the lazy has desires which he can not satisfy; But the souls of diligent men will be satiated. "
The lazy can not satisfy his desires, it is God himself who gives us the strength to have riches. Ask God for strength if we are lazy Deuteronomy 8 V17 - 18 "Be careful not to say in your heart: My strength and the power of my hand have acquired me these riches. Remember the LORD your God, for he will give you strength to acquire them, to confirm, as he does today, his covenant which he swore to your fathers. Proverbs 22 V29 "If you see a man skilled in his work, he stands with kings; He does not stand near obscure people. "
2 - The second cause: fear and fear
Many children of God have kept their money in banks because of the fear of tomorrow, every time you save without realizing, you are burying your money. Matthew 25 V 17 -21 had received the two talents and won two more. He who had received only one went to make a hollow in the earth, and hid the money of his master. A long time later, the master of these servants came back, and gave them an account. And when he had received the five talents, he brought five talents, and said, Lord, you have given me five talents; here, I won five more. And his master said unto him, It is good, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful in a few things, I will confide much to you; enter into the joy of your master. ".
In Matthew 25 V24 "He that had received only one talent then came near, and he said: Lord, I knew that you are a hard man, who reap where you did not sow, and who amass where you did not win; I was scared, and I'm.
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